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A lot of business is not only getting back on it's feet, some companies are even downright starting to thrive. Except, it seems, any involved in the music industry. While there's certainly some interesting things happening in the independent realm, the major labels are struggling hard, and it's very questionable if they'll ever get back to where they were.
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Just when you think the stories of excess and insanity on Wall Street can't get any more unseemly, along comes The Zeroes: My Misadventures in the Decade Wall Street Went Insane by Randall Lane, released today by Portfolio. In particular, there is the chapter entitled "Nails" about his business relationship with Lenny Dykstra. If you've never heard of Mr.
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Very timely, Tom Bower's eighteenth book, Oil: Money, Politics, and Power in the 21st Century, was released by the Grand Central Publishing house today. It is a riveting story of the last twenty years in oil exploration and speculation. I don't often quote press releases, but this book's is spot on:
Oil is a story of intrigue, of greed, of arrogance, and extreme risk.
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Tell me a creation story, from the Sumerian Enuma Elish to Tolkien's Ainulindalë in the The Silmarillion, and you've probably got me hooked. So I am reading Howard Bloom'sThe Genius of the Beast: A Radical Re-Vision of Capitalism with considerable interest. As the author writes in the prologue:
Every Culture needs a creation myth, a vision of how it came to be.
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Last weekend on a little airplane ride, I brought along a book to read with me (as I do every time my feet leave the earth). In this case, during my travels, I engaged myself in the short story by Franz Kafka called The Metamorphosis.
The story itself is not very long, just three chapters - but the thought behind this story (that was penned almost a hundred years ago) still resonates in todays culture.
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