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Rather antithetically, Murphy isn't suggesting we get out in front of the pack to lead it, but instead step aside by creating a system that allows for change.
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Love. It’s what smart companies want from their customers, followers, and fans. Many companies successfully establish their brands, but don’t take the extra steps to earn love from their audiences.
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In 1990, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi wrote one of the classic books on creativity, Flow. We opened our tallying of The 100 Best Business Books of All Time with Flow because the book is about optimal experiences, "those times when people report feelings of concentration and deep enjoyment," and many people either access that feeling or wish to access that feeling at work. In that book, Csikszentmihalyi provides his theory behind the flow state and argues that such an unconscious contentedness is not as unpreditable or fortuitous as most people think.
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Customers don't do business with a company. They do business with the people who work for the company.
Everyone seems to have a story about their favorite Ace Hardware store.
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I like to think. At least I like to think that I like to think. This idea I have about myself is exactly what drove me to pick up David McRaney’s new book, You Are Now Less Dumb.
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