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Organizations with indistinct cultures are like people with indistinct personalities—they are more flesh and bones than heart and soul.
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"Economists insist that MORE is the way forward. No, it is the way backward, economically as well as socially. We don't have to destroy our progeny and our planet for the sake of a senseless dogma. Sure we need development and employment, but responsible development with robust employment. A healthy society is sustained by a decent and diverse economy, not one driven by the mercenary force of one-dimensional growth. Stock markets have done enough damage."
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"Marx and Engels wrote in their Communist Manifesto of 1848 that 'A spectre is haunting Europe—the spectre of Communism,' which 'the Powers of old Europe' were determined to 'exorcise.' This dogma was exorcised in Eastern Europe in 1989, only to be replaced by another one. Today the world is haunted by the spectre of an 'economic man' and his form of capitalism, seen as the be all and end all of human existence. We shall have to stop the be all before it becomes the end all—of our planet and our progeny."
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