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"Ask yourself: why is it so few organizations ever achieve performance even remotely close to their potential, much less that of their aspirations? Why is it so few organizations succeed through their second or third generation of leadership? Why are so few workplaces truly "great places to work"? Is it because their leaders are stupid, their people incompetent, or their strategies inept? Did all those executives running formerly dominant companies such as Blackberry, Nokia, RadioShack or Kodak never get the memo about The Innovator's Dilemma? Is it simply not possible for most organizations to do fundamentally better? Or is all this just a matter of bad luck or fate, or the natural consequence of business Darwinism? We don't think so. A big part of the answer is that most organizations and the executives who run them don't recognize, respect or leverage the reality and potential of the one resource every organization and management team create every day: failure—the other 'F' word."
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