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"Our future is bright, but to capture the light we must embrace change. If we ignore or fail to embrace change, our future will be doomed.
The outcome depends on how we address our most vile, insidious, and common enemy: incrementalism. There are massive opportunities out there, requiring BOLD responses, and one change that must be made now: WE MUST ERADICATE INCREMENTALISM.
I want to work with you to change this."
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"It seizes some significant mental real estate and prevents you from being fully present in the moment. You attempt to suppress your thoughts about It with countless less important activities, but It simply won't leave. You hope to escape being a mental hostage to It when you are spending time with your family or friends, but still It hangs around, diminishing your ability to enjoy these moments, as well.
Its presence, however, can most strongly be felt when you are trying to rest. You want to physically, emotionally, and mentally relax from the break-neck pace of the day, but thoughts of It keep robbing you of these much needed moments of sacred idleness.
"What is this all powerful It," you ask? Simply put, It is your most Important Thing." Those tasks, activities, goals, dreams, and plans that are neglected almost daily in the overwhelming world of working on "something else." You don't consciously try to avoid It. You really want to work on It, whether it will take five minutes, five months, or five years, but you aren't for many reasons."
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"92% of consumers report that a recommendation from a friend, family member of someone they trust is the leading influence on their purchase behavior. Business-to-business buyers also rank recommendations at their top of their list.
Recommendations and word of mouth, of course, have always been important. But in the age of social media, they are essential. One-to-one communication has become one-to-millions. Word of mouth is now on steroids. Becoming, and staying, highly recommended has become the make-or-break business imperative."
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"The dynamic Sales 2.0 ecosystem is digital, diverse, connected—and dramatically different from the world that many sales managers cut their teeth on. Customers, talent, tools, prospecting . . . the rules have changed.
Customers don't answer phones, make appointments for lunch and golf, and read long whitepapers about your product. Today they do their own research—online, and talking to peers—and create their own sales cycles. Talent doesn't plan to put in time and pay their dues. They want to know why they're doing everything that's asked of them, they expect work to be F-U-N, and they expect their managers to give them all the answers immediately, SIRI style. Tools have grown far beyond noise-canceling headsets. Next-generation tools, processes, and prospecting practices are already driving revenue in the new economy.
Welcome to the New Normal: Managing a high-performing inside sales team by operating under the old sales rules just won't work."
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"Leadership effectiveness is not a matter of intention; it's a matter of impact.
Why do I say that? I've never met the leader who aspires to destroy shareholder value, irritate customers and alienate staff. Yet often the unintended consequence of our leadership is to do just that.
The bad news is that in studying leaders who have actually bridged this gap between their noble intentions and their impact, my colleagues and I have found no magic formula to guarantee success. It turns out that leadership transformation is extremely context bound. Every leader's journey is unique.
The good news, however, is that there are common threads in the experiences of those who've realized their leadership vision, and achieved a transformation in their organization."
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