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"Wikipedia defines the term comfort zone as "a behavioral state within which a person operates in an anxiety-neutral condition, using a limited set of behaviors to deliver a steady level of performance, usually without a sense of risk." This does not sound like a recipe for success, especially in a rapidly changing and uber-competitive world.
There was a time when the only types of people who took risks and voluntarily stepped out of their comfort zone were the high rollers who could afford to take a chance. Now, none of us can afford to NOT take risks. In business, you are asked to get out of your comfort zone time and time again. In today's rapidly changing, tech-inundated world, getting out of your comfort zone has become a mandate for success."
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"We are building a new kind of capitalism from the ground up. The construction site is located far below the radar of the mainstream press. Our policymakers in Washington don't have a clue that a new foundation is being laid down, brick by brick. And our competitors have grown so familiar with navigating their way through the crumbling edifice of crony capitalism that they can't see what's emerging from the rubble. Yet. But look to the edges of our economy, look to the new models and practices being developed by our young, look to energy of our entrepreneurs and look to the subtle shifts of our most progressive corporations and you can see something emerging. You can see the rise of Indie Capitalism.
This is a Manifesto for all those creators who are making Indie Capitalism a reality."
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"In the old, constrained world, somebody had to select, print, and distribute what was worthy of royalty, shelf space, and killing trees. That somebody was an employee of a traditional publisher; he served as a filter, finisher, and arbiter of taste. Several thousand traditional publishers added this kind of value for hundreds of years.
Shelf space for ebooks, however, is infinite, and anyone who can use a word processor can write and publish a book. These changes don't mean that books are better—no more than a democratic political system guarantees better leaders—but at least the system is more accessible."
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"The demanding pace for global leaders has never been more challenging. Digitally connected every moment, we are increasingly tied to a 24-hour global clock. This is the 'new normal.'
We are expected to perform continually in the face of global crises and multifaceted pressures, including downsizing, mergers and the accompanying stresses and expectations. The list of demands, personal and professional, never ends. Could it be that going faster and driving harder are not the answers? Could there be another way to sustain high performance? Could it be that the source of our real value as leaders might come from different thinking and different choices rather than from perpetuation of the incessant pace we strain to maintain?"
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"After thirty years in the consumer electronics industry, I have seen my fair share of successes and failures. Applying our idea to the successes, we decided they exhibited characteristics of the feudal Japanese stealth warrior known as the ninja. They are all ninja innovators because they achieve their mission through a set of similar tactics; they all adhere to a code of business ethics; and they are all single-mindedly focused on winning as the only option. They are true business warriors, and here are some of their secrets ... "
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