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"Just ask someone today this simple question: 'How do you run a company?' Invariably, you'll be met with a blank stare. Because nobody ever asks that question. Because no one expects that there's an answer. Yet it may be the most important question we need to answer if we want to grow our businesses and fix our economy."
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"Pricing is critical, and short-changing your pricing strategy is the fastest way to leave cash on the table—money that will be lost forever and never recovered.
So after that initial spark of innovation and the completion of the design, development and marketing phases that follow, don't screw up the process by treating price as an afterthought. Have you spent as much time and resources on price as you have on your latest social media campaign? (Probably not.) The most successful organizations know that pricing is strategic and that it can affect top-line growth and bottom-line profitability faster and more directly than anything else."
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"Leaders and leadership are often thought of in a poor light. Leadership is often viewed as a necessary evil. There is even a growing voice to the idea of leaderless organizations. I'm not sure where that is headed, but I do know I don't want to be a part of a leaderless organization.
My experience is that people want to be well led. We all seem to thrive when we are under great leadership. We know it when we see it because our talents are being leveraged, our purpose is clear, our contributions are appreciated, our ideas are welcomed and we're making progress organizationally and personally.
Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Most of us have had an experience or two—or more, in which we were NOT well led. We were doing time and watching the clock. We weren't giving extra effort because that was not what we were told to do and doing what we were told to do is ALL we were supposed to do!
Which of these scenarios matches your experience with leadership – necessary evil or liberating force?
People and organizations are much more likely to thrive if the leader subscribes to what Robert Greenleaf called Servant Leadership. It is not a new idea—Greenleaf didn't invent it nor did I. However, it is an idea whose time has come... It is time to Lead Differently!"
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"Lying inside you, untapped, is an inspirational force.
Guided by passion and steered by your influence, you can build momentum for yourself, others or a greater cause.
Hearts are full, and ideas are many.
You might want to start a business. Land a 'change everything' job. Get respect. Break the glass ceiling. Shatter your own ceiling. Own the room. Motivate a team to greatness. Change your entire career. Leave a legacy. Or fight for an issue you lose sleep over.
You can do it, no question. But it takes more than heart. It requires the game changing power of leadership presence.
And most people have no idea how to get it. "
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"Most of the choices we make each day may feel like the products of well-considered decision making, but they're not.
They're habits. [...]
Countless people, from Aristotle to Oprah, have tried to understand why habits exist. But only in the past two decades have neurologists, psychologists, sociologists, and marketers really begun understanding how habits work—and more important, how they change."
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