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"Determining the factors that drive decision-making, and applying such mindsets to complex problems enables innovators, program developers, and marketers to apply a new lens to understand how time shapes human behavior. This approach goes well beyond defining new product or service attributes. It offers a fresh mindset that demonstrates that human behavior is not just shaped by psychological wants and needs, but is also shaped by the situation. No matter whether you are a business, government entity, or non-profit organization, understanding the Time-onomic forces that shape behavior and define a situation provides clues to solve some of our most challenging issues in business, health, and society."
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"Many entrepreneurs feel that they cannot start a business without a great idea. They believe it will be impossible to succeed without a completely new concept, as the market will already be cornered by established businesses. Only by venturing into uncharted territory can they achieve their dreams. This is the fallacy of the great idea. [...] The simple truth is that it is quite possible to create a thriving business without a big idea. In fact, starting up with a tried and tested concept is very sensible. The real key to success is focus and brilliant execution. Yes, the world needs people with grand ideas who are willing to take big risks to further progress, but the world also needs small businesses creating jobs, and entrepreneurs should not be embarrassed about not having a claim on originality."
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"Every day the market you work in—regardless of the industry—asks 'Are you invaluable?' Did you answer the question satisfactorily today? Well done. Get ready to answer it again tomorrow. As the speed of innovation and information ever quickens, so does the need for you to have clear answers for this 'invaluable question.' It is no longer enough to simply have a job. It is no longer enough to simply advertise and attract customers to work with you. Loyalty to employees, to brands, to personalities and to media disappears the instant one's attention is switched to new, shinier options."
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"We believe that what women see—what they notice and value and how they perceive the world in operation—is a greatly under-exploited resource in organizations. In this manifesto, we explore what the female vision is, what it has to offer, and why it matters—to women, to organizations and to the world. In this manifesto, we explore what the female vision is, what it has to offer, and why it matters—to women, to organizations and to the world."
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