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"The vultures are circling. 'Strategy, as we knew it, is dead,' proclaims Walt Shill, head of Accenture's North American consulting practice. A January 25 Wall Street Journal article quotes him explaining, 'Corporate clients decided that increased flexibility and accelerated decision-making are much more important than simply predicting the future.' A recent white paper from the Boston Consulting Group hung similar crepe. In its research on global powerhouses the firm found some saying they don't 'do strategy' any more.So... Is it time to consign all your three-ring binders of strategic plans to a funeral pyre, maybe heaping the corporate planner onto the blaze for good measure? Well, yes—and no."
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"Enterprise* (*at its best):An emotional, vital, innovative, joyful, creative, entrepreneurial endeavor that maximizes individuals' growth and elicits maximum concerted human potential in the wholehearted service of others.On the one hand, this definition is pretty high-stepping. Idealistic beyond the realm of common sense. But examine it ... one word at a time."
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"What's differentiates the great ones? What makes some people superstars, while most of their peers hover near the mediocre middle?
It's not too hard to pinpoint the difference between average performers and poor ones. Easy to spot skills like work habits, product knowledge, communication style and use of sales tools, are all indicators of general competence.
The challenge for most organizations is not determining the difference between good and bad; it's discerning the difference between good and great.
Why are some sales people superstars, while other people in the same situation, selling the same stuff to the same customers experience a much lower rate of success?"
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"In the real world, you cant have over a dozen employees spread out across eight different cities over two continents. In the real world, you cant attract millions of customers without any salespeople or advertising. In the real world, you cant reveal your formula for success to the rest of the world. But weve done all those things and prospered. The real world isn't a place, its an excuse. Its a justification for not trying. It has nothing to do with you."
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"Imagine everything you do could fall into one of three buckets:
Bad Work.
Good Work.
Great Work.
I'm not talking about the quality of the work you deliver - I've no doubt that's fine. I'm talking about the meaning the work has for you and the impact it makes."
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