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The Guerrilla Marketing Guru, Jay Conrad Levinson, serves up 93 (yes, 93) examples of unusual, quirky, and downright effective ways you can catch people's attention. Marketing your business or yourself doesn't have to boring, and if you're a guerrilla marketer, it better not be! You're guaranteed to leave this one with some ideas of your own.
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Lecturer at Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government, Jessica spent six years interviewing religious terrorists in Pakistan, India, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Indonesia, and the U.S.. Along the way, she discovered what causes someone to become a religious zealot and how terrorist leaders cultivate followers with emotional, spiritual, and financial rewards. Using terrorist motivations as her basis, she explains why the war in Iraq could not have played out better for terrorists if bin Laden had scripted it himself. Read her manifesto to learn why.
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Whether you're trying to elect a president or grow a non-profit, raise money, or awareness, Donna Brazile's 10 Laws of the Grassroots can help you mobilize the masses. Culling from lessons learned as the campaign manager for Gore 2000, Donna tells us that the future of campaigning has less to do with money and media noise and more about what worked in the past: invigorating the people. Download her manifesto to apply her principles.
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Say what you will about Apple computer, its products have drawn the kind of attention and spawned the kind of loyal (some might say rabid) customer base that other companies would kill for. Famous for its attention to detail, the company recently stepped outside of its comfort zone of hardware and software and built its first retail stores. The thought that went into each detail, both successful and unsuccessful, and how Apple transformed its brand identity into a physical space and experience, bears lessons for those developing all kinds of products and services.
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"DRM punishes honest people!" ... "Without DRM, people will steal and artists won't get paid!" ... Usage of Digital Rights Management (DRM) has been hotly debated since a college student threatened to put an entire industry out of business with a little application he built in his spare time, Napster. In this transcript of a speech he gave at Microsoft's campus, Cory explains why DRM doesn't work, why DRM is bad for society, bad for business, bad for artists, and a bad move for Microsoft. Using Sony and Apple as examples of companies that are using DRM to *punish* consumers, he suggests Microsoft use the opportunity to once again champion users' rights. To follow our current path, Cory argues, is to stifle innovation and contradict the purpose of American copyright law: to promote the useful arts and sciences.
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