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To start producing better students, we need to find better teachers. To do that, Chester E. Finn, Jr., a distinguished visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution, proposes taking a common-sense approach to lure our best and brightest to join the profession: deregulate teaching, and pay outstanding teachers more than mediocre ones. In addition, Finn suggests improvements to how we train teachers, so they can offer better-quality instruction to students.
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This manifesto could save your life. Every single one of us is at risk of heart attack and disease, and a simple daily regimen can help stave off such heart problems, says Dr. Jonathan Sackner-Bernstein. A well-respected cardiologist and lecturer, Dr. Sackner-Bernstein has extensively investigated the effects of betablockers on patients with heart failure. The results are so encouraging, and the regimen so safe, that he advocates it to almost anyone. The hidden signs of heart problems begin in your 20s, and Dr. Sackner-Bernstein's findings and advice are helping people live longer, healthier lives. Find out how.
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Have you ever received an email in ALL CAPS? End the madness here, with Elly's brief but powerful guide to email etiquette. Markson's manifesto is something you'll surely want to send along to friends who struggle with everyday email writing. As this issue's special "plus one" release, Elly's piece is brief enough for even the smallest attention span.
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A spoon full of sugar makes the medicine go down, but what do years of sugar-rich beverages do to our children? Tyler tells us how sugary drinks may 'Kill Your Children.' Lackey artfully delivers facts that should scare any conscious parent. He presents a simple solution: don't drink sugar. Of course, it's much easier said than done, since sugar-rich drinks endlessly fill supermarket aisles.
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'Death for a 17-year-old?' AI, on their campaign to stop executions of child offenders in America and worldwide. Although it violates international law, the United States remains one of only eight nations that still practices child executions. Amnesty International reports with stories about child offenders around the world who have been executed or who are currently on death row. Since 1990, the United States has executed more child offenders than all other nations combined. Read more to find out how you can help stop the executions.
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