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No matter your role at work and in life, your success is dependent, at least in part, on
the success of those around you. In many situations, it would be great for you if people
changed for the better. Just about all of the time, though, it would be better for them
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When you bring your sense of right and wrong to work, you can enjoy tranquility in that most private of all domains: your conscience.
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Active inquiry represents our best opportunity to engage each other in meaningful collaboration, but to succeed it requires self-reflection and self-restraint. While appearing deceptively simple on the surface, active inquiry depends on careful construction of questions that don’t contain even subtle judgments or biases.
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I am proud of my commitment to the Black community, which led to the dean of faculty calling me a “race man.” I was pleasantly surprised when she, a young White person, properly used that moniker to describe me because it was a badge of honor in the Black community that dates back to the late 19th century.
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Equity in the workplace is about designing a system, a culture, or an organization so that everyone has an equal shot, however they may define what they are shooting for. Moreover, equity gets us out of the hard work of constantly going against the system by creating a system that makes it easy to opt in to inclusive and equitable behaviors
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