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"In less than a decade, the company I co-founded and built, the Washington Speakers Bureau, became the world's biggest player in that business—and remains so now, more than 30 years after I took the sharp turn that reshaped my life. We have represented world leaders—including Presidents Reagan and both Bushes and four Prime Ministers of Great Britain—as well as business visionaries, sports legends, and leading journalists and authors. Over the course of the years, I have gotten close to many of my clients. And yes, they are a spectacularly accomplished group. But the secret sauce that is responsible for so much of their success isn't their talent per se. Instead, it is how they have dealt with the key turning points in their lives."
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"With a MVB, you expend the least amount of time, effort, and money necessary to develop enough of a launch brand concept to center your organization, convey your value, and to collect learning. As an alternative to a complete strategic brand platform or simply a shell of a brand, a MVB provides you the perfect balance of structure and flexibility."
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"You're an expert or manager in, say, marketing, IT or distribution. Maybe you're even the head of that function—the CMO, CTO or Distribution Director. You and your team have come up with a great idea that—if executed—will significantly benefit the company. But, like most important proposals, in order to be implemented, it will need the support of several other departments. Without that support, nothing will happen. Here are five ways to achieve it."
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"Clarity. Boldness. We say that we value these qualities in communication at work. So why is nearly everything we read so full of bullshit? Our inboxes, browsers, and smartphone screens are filled with jargon-laden, meandering drivel. Why can't people get to the point and say what they mean? [...] After 35 years of reading and writing for work, I decided to face this problem head-on: to determine what causes bullshit, and how we can all learn to write without it. The problem is real. And the solution is within reach. It's just a question of committing yourself to writing without bullshit."
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"Have you ever dreamed of doing something big in your life—like maybe starting your own business? Have you also had trouble pursuing that dream because you didn't know where to start? Rest assured, you're not alone. Some 67 percent of millennials are interested in starting their own business, while about 54 million Americans now consider themselves freelancers. But turning a great idea into something that will actually earn you a living can be intimidating. You kind of know what you want, but maybe you have a hard time explaining it to other people, let alone knowing if someone would be willing to pay you in return for your product or service. If only there were a way to break it down into more manageable chunks—something you could do that would allow your brain to fully activate in coming up with the answers you need. It turns out there is a first step you can take to start to make your big ideas and dreams come true: You can pick up your pen and start drawing."
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