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Growth hacking can be used to sniff out and unearth information as valuable as truffles. But, as Ryan Holiday tells us, it requires a new mindset.
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Jean-Philippe Vergne
by Rodolphe Durand & Jean-Philippe Vergne
Kim Dotcom and his company Megaupload have just crossed over to the dark side. What can we learn from this contemporary pirate’s tale? Once a hard-working employee for well-established companies, Kim Dotcom became a crook, stealing for his own good whilst the State desperately tried to make new legislations to prevent file sharing from proliferating.
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Since Michael did such a fine job in his review of Steven Johnson's Future Perfect on Monday of describing how the future may well be, well. . .
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The folks over at Kogan Page generously provided us with an excerpt from Sandra Zoratti and Lee Gallagher's book Precision Marketing: Maximizing Revenue Through Relevance. Zoratti is an author and speaker, as well as the Vice President of Marketing, Executive Briefings and Education at Ricoh and manages a business created from former IBM and Ricoh companies located in Boulder, Colorado. She was named the recipient of the 2012 Business Marketer of the Year Award by the Business Marketing Association.
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Reading JP Mangalindan's recent story about how the browser wars are back in Fortune reminded me of a great book by Charles Arthur that Kogan Page put out in late April. Arthur is The Guardian's technology editor, and the book is Digital Wars: Apple, Google, Microsoft, and the Battle for the Internet. It's a fascinating history, well told and concisely written.
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