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We get pitched to a lot—about books, ideas, authors, projects; from authors, publicists, agents and publishers. It is part of what we do here, and listening to all comers is part of how we weed through the massive amount of material that is published each year, find what we think are the best projects, make connections and stay successful. But it can get a little tiring at times, especially when you know someone isn't really thrilled about the project, idea or author they're pitching.
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Farrar, Straus and Giroux has some really great books on economics out right now, with more in the works and on the way. I will talk about Shraga F. Biran's Opportunism on this blog soon, but I'd like to turn now to a book that's being released today—New York Times bestselling author Dambisa Moyo's How the West Was Lost.
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The following excerpt comes from The Network Is Your Customer by David L. Rogers, a book being released tomorrow by Yale University Press. Rogers is the executive director of the Center on Global Brand Leadership, and his book has received endorsements from great thinkers like Jeff Jarvis (What Would Google Do?
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As the economy recovers, as it surely must, there are going to be a lot of workers being tapped for executive positions for the first time—and hopefully many others that reenter the workforce in leadership roles. And, for those workers, Scott Eblin's newly revised and expanded edition of The Next Level: What Insiders Know About Executive Success, released last month by Nicholas Brealey Publishing, has come at a fortuitous time. This book is akin to Michael Watkin's classic, The First 90 Days, offering practical steps to succeed in one of the most grueling shifts you'll ever face in professional life.
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This week we have an excerpt from The Bed of Procrustes by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. You may remember Taleb from his bestselling The Black Swan or his first book, Fooled by Randomness. Taleb is a big thinker, and The Bed of Procrustes is a collection of "philosophical and practical aphorisms" from the author.
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