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5 Strategies for Investing Properly, Cautiously, and Intelligently in This Bear Market
By Stephen T. McClellan
This is a perilous period in the stock market; a deceptive bear market that disguises its downward drift. Beware of misleading Wall Street doubletalk, as it tempts investors into this dangerous bear market.
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Build Your Brand
M. J. Ryan
"Discover your brand by pinpointing your unique service and identity.
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Guilt Bashers
by Claire Shipman & Katty Kay,
Guilt is a sneaky emotion. Unlike anger, love, or sorrow, it has an ability to work behind the scenes without your really noticing. This means that you first need to identify that it's actually there—that the undercurrent of emotion behind this flurry of negative, self-blaming thought is guilt.
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Leading In Tough Times
By Bob Seelert,
Author of Start with the Answer: And Other Wisdom for Aspiring Leaders The financial crisis that began in 2008 continues to unfold in unprecedented ways, thereby presenting business leaders with incredible challenges. How does one manage in such a crisis-laden environment? Here are "Ten Things To Do" based on my 40+ years in business.
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Strategy and the Fat Smoker is David Maister's latest book (among a history of many books). From a different perspective, he approaches the subject covered in The Knowing-Doing Gap by Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert Sutton back in 2000. Originally, each chapter was written as a separate article, so you can pick and choose where to start.
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