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Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success by Adam Grant, Viking Books, 320 pages, $27. 95, Hardcover, April 2013, ISBN 9780670026555
“I want to explore what separates the champs from the chumps,” says Adam Grant in the first chapter of Give and Take. Grant sets this up with an explanation of three different personality types on a spectrum of reciprocity: takers, matchers, and givers.
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Can’t Buy Me Like: How Authentic Customer Connections Drive Superior Results by Bob Garfield & Doug Levy, Portfolio, 229 pages, $25. 95, Hardcover, March 2013, ISBN 9781591845775
It’s a lousy cliché, but the instruction to “be yourself” is becoming an essential modus operandi for today’s successful marketers. When social media arrived on the radars of advertisers and marketers, many said, “Oh goody, new media to purchase,” and quickly filled up the cheap new real estate with the same old message: “We are great!
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How Stella Saved the Farm: A Wild and Wooly Yarn About Making Innovation Happen by Vijay Govindarajan and Chris Trimble, St. Martins Press, 160 pages, $19. 98, Hardcover, March 2013, ISBN 9781250002129
I was surprised to see that two of the most respected and knowledgeable business book authors writing today, Vijay Govindarajan and Chris Trimble, wrote a parable.
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Each day, all day, we make decisions. Often, these many decisions are simple: what to wear, where to eat, and how best to churn through the tasks on our to-do list.
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Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg; Alfred A. Knopf, 240 pages, $24. 95, Hardcover; March 2013, ISBN 9780385349949
The COO of Facebook, Sheryl Sandberg is one of the most powerful women in business, and as such is a leader not only at the top of her organization, but also to other women in business.
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