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So Good They Can’t Ignore You: When Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love by Cal Newport, BusinessPlus, 304 pages, $25. 99, Hardcover, September 2012, ISBN 9781455509126 I have a dear friend that has worked in the arts community for decades tell me recently that what strikes him most about great artists is not their passion, but their “toughness. ” I was reminded of that statement again when I picked up So Good They Can’t Ignore You, a great new book on career development by Cal Newport being released this month by BusinessPlus.
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The Pause Principle: Step Back to Lead Forward by Kevin Cashman, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 192 pages, $16. 95, Paperback Original, September 2012, ISBN 9781609945329 Kevin Cashman’s classic Leadership From the Inside Out has been a consistent presence around here since he first published it nearly 15 years ago, so we were excited to see he is sharing his knowledge in a new book, The Pause Principle. Especially one with this paradoxical message: “Pause powers purposeful performance.
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The Book of Business Awesome/The Book of Business UnAwesome, by Scott Stratten, John Wiley & Sons, 272 pages, $24. 95, Hardcover, August 2012, ISBN 9781118315224 This new book by Scott Stratten is actually two books in one. Open the cover with the title The Book of Business Awesome: How Engaging Your Customers and Employees Can Make Your Business Thrive and you’ll read some great advice about marketing, business technology, customer service, branding, human resources, public relations, and more.
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Winning the Story Wars: Why Those Who Tell—and Live—the Best Stories will Rule the Future by Jonah Sachs; Harvard Business Review Press, 264 pages, $27. 00, Hardcover, July 2012, ISBN 9781422143568 A popular pursuit for business and current affairs writers is to produce work that investigates and exposes all the various ways that marketing manipulates consumers. And there is certainly cause for concern.
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