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Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? By Seth Godin, Portfolio, 256 pages, $25. 95, Hardcover, January 2010, ISBN 9781591843160
Seth Godin has a high opinion of you.
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Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel H. Pink, Riverhead Books, 256 Pages, $26. 95, Hardcover, January 2010, ISBN 9781594488849
When companies buckle down and tighten their belts during rough economic times, there is usually a meeting of the higher-ups to discuss how to get more out of employees.
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The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right by Atul Gawande, Metropolitan Books, 224 Pages, $24. 50, Hardcover, January 2010, ISBN 9780805091748
Atul Gawande is the Malcolm Gladwell of medical and ethical writing, with one big difference: Gawande is not just a cultural observer who tells great stories; instead he is a practicing surgeon and professor at Harvard Medical School and, as a true insider who happens to be a very talented writer for The New Yorker, his work is precise and detailed while also elegant and arresting. The Checklist Manifesto is the author’s third book and he continues along the same theme of his previous works by revealing flaws in medical care and pondering larger ethical dilemmas that can contribute to the loss of life.
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Chief Culture Officer: How to Create a Living, Breathing Corporation by Grant McCracken, Basic Books, 262 pages, $26. 95, Hardcover, December 2009, ISBN 9780465018321
I recently stumbled upon one of those rare books that made me snap to attention. It came to us as a nondescript advance copy from a publisher not known as a heavy-hitter in the business book world, and was authored by an anthropologist.
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We had the pleasure of having Jeanne Bliss at our LeaveSmarter event in Milwaukee a couple weeks ago. In terms of presentations, we thought it was one of the best we've had to date.
We wrote a Jack Covert Selects on I Love You More Than My Dog for October, and it's always nice to see what our friends have to say about important books.
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