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High Altitude Leadership: What the World's Most Forbidding Peaks Teach Us About Success by Chris Warner and Don Schmincke, Jossey-Bass, 210 pages, $27. 95, Hardcover, October 2008, ISBN 9780470345030
Don Schmincke, author of The Code of the Executive, has once again put his unique experiences on paper. For his new book, his co-author is world-renowned mountaineer, Chris Warner.
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Call Me Ted by Ted Turner, Grand Central Publishing, 448 Pages, $30. 00, Hardcover, November 2008, ISBN 9780446581899
Ted Turner is an amazing man who has accomplished amazing things. He has won the America's Cup.
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The inherent purpose of any business book is to be useful to the reader. It is a genre of tools and solutions, with business practitioners, consultants, professors and journalists all adding to the stew of ideas and insight.
Not many of us can sit down with Warren Buffet for the weekend, picking his brain on matters of business and life, but all of us can curl up on the couch with a copy of The Snowball by Alice Schroeder and have an intimate, 976 page conversation with the man.
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Marci Alboher of The New York Times recently conducted a Q&A session with Guy Kawasaki via email. One exchange for you entrepreneurs:
Q. What is your advice to entrepreneurs seeking funding or growth opportunities if the credit and capital markets continue on their current course?
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Peter Sims is the co-author of True North: Discover Your Authentic Leadership. * He's also on the roster over at The Speakers' Group who had sat down and asked Peter a few questions about True North, his collaboration with Bill George and innovation. You can read the interview here.
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