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Good News: Today Ian Ayres' SuperCunchers debuted on the Wall Street Journal Business Bestseller List at #13. Bad News: The book is also reviewed in this week's New York Times Book Review and reviewer David Leonhardt comes up just short of accusing Ayres of plagiarism (and by short, I mean, the only thing he doesn't do is use the word 'plagiarism'). Leonhardt claims Ayres uses his own words as well as those of Fast Company's Charles Fishman without attribution.
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For my part in this adventure, the genesis of this book began about six or seven years ago when David Schwartz (owner of Milwaukee's independent Harry W. Schwartz Bookshops. .
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Super Crunchers: Why Thinking-By-Numbers is the New Way to be Smart by Ian Ayres, Bantam, 272 pages, $25. 00 Hardcover, August 2007, ISBN 9780553805406 Computer technology has had an undeniable impact on our decision-making. Netflix can recommend a movie and eHarmony will recommend a mate.
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All the Tea in China: How to Buy, Sell, and Make Money on the Mainland by Jeremy Haft, Portfolio, 224 Pages, $25. 95 Hardcover, June 2007, ISBN 9781591841593 Jeremy Haft does not believe that China is the evil empire. He believes instead that China represents a boom for business.
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I know it is only a few of days into August, but we are starting to see and think about the fall. Jack is quoted today in a Bloomburg News story about Dream Manager by Matthew Kelly. He is a little more positive about the book than might be evident from the quote.
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