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Ernan Roman didn't just fall off the marketing turnip wagon. Rather than just discussing the latest trends in marketing—in social media and elsewhere—he puts them in a larger context and provides you with performance indicators and benchmarks to measure your marketing efforts over time. And he has the experience to do so.
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We were thrilled to have Jonathan L. S. Byrnes, author of Islands of Profit in a Sea of Red Ink, in Milwaukee yesterday to speak at our latest LeaveSmarter* event, held on the third floor of the breathtaking Grohmann Museum.
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After I posted my new inBubbleWrap article and giveaway last week, a friend commented with a link to a This American Life story which looked into the validity of Steve Poizner's written account of his time at Mount Pleasant, the high school where he, a successful Silicon Valley business man, volunteered to teach for a year in the early 2000's. The accusation against Poizner is that he greatly exaggerated just how downtrodden the school and its students really were. He describes the neighborhood as having "[y]ellowing, weedy gardens" and "driveways marred by large oil spots or broken down cars," the school itself as "painted a surly brown" with "a big portal onto the campus.
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Today I had a nice conversation with Shel Israel about his new book, Twitterville: How Businesses Can Thrive in the New Global Neighborhoods, which also, coincidentally was released today via Portfolio. In both our conversation and the book, Shel talks about how companies are becoming involved in Twitter to do better business. He tells stories about companies like Dell, who are getting a better grasp on those dissatisfied with service they've received - and it's better than customer service, where a center waits for a call, and then attempts to deal with it as quickly as possible.
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Yesterday saw the release of two books you won't want t to miss, Thomas Friedman's Hot, Flat and Crowded and David M. Snick's The World is Curved: Hidden Dangers to the Global Economy. Judged by its title alone, you may think The World is Curved is a rebuke of Friedman's philosophy, but it's not.
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