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A trailer for Dan Pink's latest, The Adventures of Johnny Bunko, released this very week.
Johnny Bunko trailer from Daniel Pink on Vimeo.
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As we start the next month, here are a few of the titles coming out in April that are sure to be covered in various media outlets.
From the author of A Whole New Mind, comes the first ever manga business book. Dan Pink's The Adventures of Johnny Bunko: The Last Career Guide You'll Ever Need.
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Michael Gates Gill, author of How Starbucks Saved My Life, was in Milwaukee giving a talk last week. I was able to meet with him and have posted our conversation in the 8cr podcast blog.
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With it being the New Year and all, we thought it was time to give you something new. The new thing even has new in the title.
Let me officially announce the launch of the 800ceoread New Releases Blog.
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