Ask 8cr! - Happiness
Welcome to "Ask 8cr! " - a new section of our blog where we've created a forum to find out what kinds of issues and challenges people are having in the workplace. We then take these issues and apply a business book we feel offers a viable solution.
Welcome to "Ask 8cr!" - a new section of our blog where we've created a forum to find out what kinds of issues and challenges people are having in the workplace. We then take these issues and apply a business book we feel offers a viable solution. Others then chime in via the comments section. The person with the selected challenge gets a free copy of the book, but everyone who reads these posts, wins. Do you have a challenge at work? Send it to me at jon(a)800ceoread(dot)com.
Today's challenge deals with identifying what career path will truly make you happy. Here's a note from one of our readers:
"Currently, I'm a free agent or on sabattical or unemployed ... depends on how one looks at the situation. Have been since early April. Since I've never really known what trips my trigger regarding a job, it's been very difficult to lock into one or two specific areas that I might like. In fact, I know the kinds of jobs I DON'T want to perform. I have an M.A., have worked in theatre management, fund raising, and been an investment advisor. Am ready for something new, but don't know what." - Lynn
Maybe you're like Lynn, looking for work, but sort of dreading all of it in general. Or, maybe you have a job, but it's lost its luster to the point of making you wonder why you even wanted it in the first place. Or, maybe you're completely happy with your position, but have the nagging feeling that the company you're with stinks. Whatever the case, you're looking for happiness - not a job, not a career, not a company. So, how do we predict such things? How can we know what we should really be looking for?