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While Dylan is relaxing on his honeymoon in Costa Rica, I'm going to take a stab at my version of Friday Links. Enjoy! There has been a lot of talk both online and around the water cooler about the New York Times article "Amazon Signs Up Authors, Writing Publishers Out of Deal" published earlier this week that made the bold statement: Amazon.
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We are all competing for space these days, space to put our message, and mental space to take in more information. There's less space, and more information by the minute, but as problematic as that seems, it's not the issue. Having more information is a good thing, as it provides the possibility that we'll get closer to, and more of, what we're looking for.
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If you were to open up David Kord Murray's Plan B to the Table of Contents and run your finger down the list of chapter inclusions, you'd scan such colorful teasers as these: iTunes as a Can Opener The Fat Man and Little Boy Ten Thousand Empty Stores Ernest Hemingway Beginner's Sex Intriguing, to say the least. And isn't it exciting to open up a new book, a book on strategy and management no less, and actually be curious not only about the information provided but also about how these teasers will be resolved, how the author's apparently quirky point of view will levitate the material? Murray did this same thing in his first book, Borrowing Brilliance too.
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800-CEO-READ has been developing a new product called KnowledgeBlocks that allows members to create, search, gather, and organize knowledge in order to better use it. As new or continuing authors, this tool will be an invaluable resource for researching an idea, building a concept, and general inspiration - for themselves and others. All registrants for the 2011 Author Pow Wow will receive a Free 3 month membership to this new service when it launches in 2012.
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Dylan Schleicher has been working for 800-CEO-READ since 2003. He's done nearly every job, but for the majority of his time here, he's been creating things for us all to learn from and enjoy. Perhaps you've read some of his blog posts here that always include an entertaining and thought-provoking blend of current events and history, pop culture and more esoteric interests, as well as an excellent grasp of the context into which a new business book falls.
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