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The world could really use more men like Amit Gupta. Amit is a starter. He helped build and launch ChangeThis, served as its first Managing Editor, and is the brains and gumption behind both Photojojo and Jelly.
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Starting this month, ChangeThis manifestos will have a slightly different look.
We've had repeated requests from readers to make our manifestos easier to read on their mobile devices, and we've done just that. Our designer extraordinaire, Joy Panos Stauber of Stauber Design Studios in Chicago, Illinois is the woman who makes our manifestos sparkle every month, and she has now designed a new template for them that retains most of the visual elements you're all familiar with, while tweaking the dimensions, margins, and aspect ratio to make it more mobile-friendly.
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Our friends at G5 Leadership are gearing up for their October 12th online event, this time featuring Marshall Goldsmith and his fantastic book, Mojo.
Here are some of the things you’ll learn from this workshop:
• Learn the 5 factors of optimum personal performance.
• Know the 3 core elements that effect self-confidence.
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The following post and Q&A was written and submitted by Tom Ehrenfeld.
Joe Nocera is one of the best business journalists working today. He combines a deep knowledge of business with a healthy dose of skepticism, not to mention a good journalist’s passion for poking the powerful in the eye when they need it.
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Author of Employees First, Customers Second, Vineet Nayar, recently wrote a couple of blog posts included on the HBR Blog Network that started a bit of a dust-up in comments. First, at the beginning of the month, he asked the question: "Are Women Dissatisfied Enough? " and went on to assert two "pre-conditions" were needed--in addition to an enabling corporate environment--to improve the successes of women in business.
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