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Join us this December 4, 5, and 6th in Austin, TX for the 2011 Author Pow Wow.
This year’s Author Pow Wow encourages authors to do what works. Sounds simple, right?
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A friend posted on Facebook a link to this article, with the somewhat obvious title, "People are biased against creative ideas, studies find," and it's contents have stuck with me all week. It comes from a website called PhysOrg which I've never heard of despite having a science geek for a husband. PhysOrg's mission as described on it's website is "to provide the most complete and comprehensive daily coverage of the full sweep of science, technology, and medicine news.
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Business books have a certain stigma attached to them. For non-fans, they might seem intimidating, or pointless, depending which end of the judgment spectrum you're on. The assumption is that "they're for other, more business-types of people.
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I typed my first high school papers, my first non-hand-written stories, on an electric typewriter--a hand-me-down from a cousin--on the floor of my childhood bedroom. But when I got to college, there was a bank of Apple IIe computers in the dorm's lab and over the years I often spent all night in the company of those small white boxes, a happy computer face greeting me each time I came back from the cafeteria full and ready to settle back down to the grind of churning out the multitude of 10-20 page papers required for every class every term. Entering grad school, I bought a Macintosh Performa so that I could write my stories and more of those papers at my apartment while eating ramen noodles.
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Earlier today, I spoke at a PRSA panel on blogger/publicist relationships. Publicists want bloggers to recommend something, and bloggers either do just that, or ignore them. The discussion then focused on how publicists might communicate with bloggers in order to reduce ignored pitches.
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