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There has been quite a run in the blogosphere in the last two weeks with people recommending business books. Josh Kauffman may have started this tidal wave with his updated 2008 version of The Personal MBA. His list is 77 books long with the mantra "skip b-school and the $100,000 loan: you can get a world-class business education simply by reading these books.
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Joining us this week on the blog are Bryn Zeckhauser and Aaron Sandoski, authors of How the Wise Decide. They conducted 21 interviews of wise business and government leaders - including, Bill George of Medtronic, Stephen Breyer of the Supreme Court, Daniel Kahneman a Nobel Prize Winner in Economics, Shelly Lazarus of Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide and many more. They found six decision-making principles.
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Part II of the Bill George story, brought to you by the authors of How the Wise Decide. : : : : : : Bill George, Part II After having a faulty Medtronic catheter thrown at him by an angry surgeon, Bill George began investigating why he hadn't known about quality problems plaguing the catheter business. What he found was a tortuous path that routed the sales reps' field reports about failing catheters through seven layers of bureaucracy before they reached the people who designed the products.
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The following excerpt is the beginning of Chapter Three from the book What's Stopping You? : Shatter the 9 Most Common Myths Keeping You from Starting Your Own Business by Duane Ireland and Bruce R. Barringer.
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Part III of the Bill George story, brought to you by the authors of How the Wise Decide. : : : : : : Bill George, Part III Bill George calls his traumatic experience in the Lenox Hill operating room a "power-of-one" observation. That single catheter failure crystallized in a way that no report ever could the problem confronting Medtronic.
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