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Hardy Green at BusinessWeek has a quick piece on their website about big names with business books in the fall. Call Me Ted by Ted Turner was the splash at BEA in June, which included a party hosted by Larry King. Richard Branson follows Losing My Virginity and Screw It, Let's Do It with Business Stripped Bare.
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The world is getting smaller and smaller and more businesses are going to other countries. Different ideas are being talked about via conference calls, cell phones, emails and yes, books. Here are what people across the time zones of the world were reading from 800-CEO-READ last month: Canada Strengths Finder 2.
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The August issue of ChangeThis has been posted. This month, we have the author of business classic The Fifth Discipline, Peter Senge, with an environmental treatise on sustainability and business. Manifesto coauthor Bryan Smith was one of four authors who worked with Senge on the book the manifesto was modeled after, The Necessary Revolution: How Individuals and Organizations Are Working Together to Create a Sustainable World, released earlier this year by Doubleday.
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