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Ryan over at Business Pundit posted on 10 investing titles that Warren Buffett recommends. Details over here. The list of the 10: Take on the Street The Little Book of Common Sense Investing Benjamin Graham on Value Investing The Theory on Investment Value Where are the Customers' Yachts?
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Ben Casnocha (My Start-Up Life) blogged about and added to Tyler Cohen's (Discover Your Inner Economist) post on how to find new book recommendations. Both have good recommendations on where to start. Ben mentioned us as the spot to find out about business books (thanks, Ben!
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Caption: "An August conference call fails to calm investors. " On Tuesday May 27, The Wall Street Journal begins a three part analysis of the collapse of Bear Stearns. Buffeted by the most treacherous market forces in a generation and hobbled by indecision, the firm's leaders missed opportunities that might have been able to save the 85-year-old brokerage.
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Seth Godin wrote a great post on Wednesday titled How to read a business book. I encourage everyone to go read it in its entirety. The main points are that business books are essentially recipes for action, but that the majority of a book's words are spent convincing and motivating the reader to action.
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