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The new biography, Robber Baron, is about the streetcar magnet, Charles Tyson Yerkes, who was instrumental in Chicago's Loop Elevated and the London Underground. Check out the life of one of the most interesting entrepreneur's of the nineteenth century in this new book. It was put out earlier this year and promises to by quite a read!
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In my various book scouring, I ran across this piece of a Churchill speech.
You cannot tell from appearances how things will go. Sometimes imagination makes things out far worse than they are; yet without imagination not much can be done.
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It is another big day in the presidential primaries with Hillary and Barack battling it out in four states today.
In our own election to find the best--the best business book that is---we are over 1650 votes cast. The top five choices right now are:
The Goal
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
Good To Great
The Effective Executive
How To Win Friends and Influence People
If for some crazy reason you have not voted for your favorites, click through to our Reader's Poll and make your voice heard.
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Recently, I found a book called India's Century by Kamal Nath, that would be a great precursor to our listing of February's top sellers in other countries. Here's just a sampling of the book, from chapter five:
In the foreign mind, it was Mumbai (Bombay), of all Indian cities, that used to be the best suited to evoke a vision of modern India. This was all the more evident when I, as the minister for the environment and forests, represented India at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development - the "Earth Summit", as it was called - in Rio de Janeiro in the summer of 1992.
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If Oprah's chef can have a cookbook, why not Google's chef?
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