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The presidential election is taking center stage right, so we thought to remind you have another election going on right now. We are looking for you to help us choose the best business books of all time. My last report on our Reader's Poll at the vote count at 500.
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The Middle-Class Millionaire - Russ Alan Prince - Lewis Schiff - Book Review - New York Times So think of a driven, Machiavellian business dynamo who networks, boasts and cares desperately about propelling his or her children into schools that have names worth dropping. Then put on rose-colored glasses and think of Benjamin Franklin. Seriously.
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In an effort to give back to the community, we are holding a very special book offer to benefit Room to Read, a great organization that partners with local communities throughout the developing world to establish schools, libraries, and other educational infrastructure. We recently held our very first 8CR Business Book Awards, and recieved an enormous amount of great books from publishers and authors around the globe. Our idea is to share the best books of 2007 with you, and help out a great charitable organization in the process.
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Lessons From Private Equity Any Company Can Use>>The Wall Street Journal | Embracing Debt, Enhancing Value Ms. Gadiesh and Mr. MacArthur concede that private equity is a tiered system, with the best firms offering stellar returns and most of the others struggling to match the returns of the S&P.
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With all the talk about health care costs swirling around this election year, Stan Finkelstein and Peter Temin's Reasonable Rx: Solving the Drug Price Crisis is a very timely book. To prove that it can bring some of the various factions on this issue together, they have blurbs on the back from a Nobel Laureate in Economics, a former senior official in the FDA, a US Congressman, and a retired president of a pharmaceutical research group. Although they did write the book for laypeople, you really have to be interested in the topic to wade through the first 150 pages, and you'd have be a real policy wonk to read the appendix after that, which lays out their plan in detail after already giving you a general outline in the last chapter.
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