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Two weeks ago I posted a review from a young journalist called Todd Lazarski meant for our first magazine. It was a review that, unfortunately, did not find it's way into the magazine itself, but that I really wanted to share with everyone. Today, I would like to share the second of Todd's reviews.
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We know that you all have been waiting for this ALL month, so here it is! ! Our Top 25 Books from last month that are available in audio format!
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Yesterday Kate and I got to hear Douglas Rushkoff, author of Get Back in the Box, talk about how content context contact is king. He explained that what people are really looking for online is social currency, the opportunities to interact with and respond to other people. The predominant marketing model has been to get people to interact with products, to take them away from other people so that, as Doug said in an example, they buy their oatmeal from Quaker, and not from Joe at the local farmer's market.
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Ask 8cr! is a section of our blog used as a forum to address the kinds of issues and challenges people are having in the workplace. We take these issues and apply a business book we feel offers a viable solution.
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Kate and I are at the kick-off of the O'Reilly Tools of Change Conference in NYC. People from all over the world are here for this year's conference; the MC just told us that attendance tripled over last year's inaugural conference in San Jose (Todd and Dylan were there).
Today there are two articles in major newspapers about the future of publishing:
New York Times: HarperCollins Will Post Free Books on the Web
Wall Street Journal: Publisher Tests Selling by the Chapter
We'll try to update more over the next few days.
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