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Whether you are officially celebrating or not, tomorrow is a great day to take a moment and give thanks.
We continue to have a lot to be thankful for here at 800-CEO-READ.
You can see here what I am most thankful for this year.
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King of the Club>>The Wall Street Journal | Big Board, Big Trouble
The more sophisticated tale is what Charles Gasparino tells in his excellent "King of the Club.
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Alex Frankel spent the better part of two years applying at and working as a front-line employee for a variety of companies, including UPS, The Gap, Enterprise, The Apple Store, Starbucks, and others. The book, titled Punching In, shares his stories and insight into the heart of the American marketplace - it's companies, people, and brands, and how these things effect both customers and employees alike, sometimes turning them into fanatical endorsers and workers. In the interview, Alex goes into further detail about which companies truly know how to turn their employees into loyal team members and how they do it.
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After reading Alex Frankel's new book, Punching In, I was excited to talk to him more about his experiences working for UPS, Enterprise, The Apple Store, Starbucks, and also to hear about the jobs he 'didn't' get. All in all, his experience sheds light on the current American retail system and how it effects both customers and employees. Take a listen.
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The following is an excerpt from Chapter 2 of Beat the System: 11 Secrets to Building an Entrepreneurial Culture in a Bureaucratic World by Robert W. MacDonald.
The 11 Simple Secrets
Being an entrepreneur is simply living a business life as it should be led.
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