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It's always interesting to go back and see what the publishing community predicted would do well in a given season. Last May, Publishers Weekly had a great piece about trends in business book publishing. Todd blogged about it in June.
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Business executives have justified their actions with a "when in China, do as the Chinese do" defense. To do business in China, these executives insist, they must comply with local laws. But China's local laws often force executives to make moral and ethical choices that would be intolerable in the West.
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A catalog just came across my desk from Urano, a publisher that puts out Spanish versions of popular English language books. I couldn't help but mention them along with one of their newest releases. It's for one of our Best Sellers: Un Nuevo Impulso ( What Got You Here Won't Get You There ) by Marshall Goldsmith and it became available this September.
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I've been reading the Opposable Mind by Roger Martin. We humans have long been distinguished from other animals by our opposable thumbs. Yes, we're born with the ability to hold something with the tension of our forefinger and thumb.
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