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After a summer of same-old, same-old on the Wall Street Journal Business Bestseller List, two new books appear this week signaling the start to the fall business book season.
Given some of my comments recently, it serves me right that I have to report both titles are business fables. Pat Lencioni returns with his sixth story-based book, titled The Three Signs of a Miserable Job: A Fable for Managers (and Their Employees).
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There are 19. 3 megabytes of Super Crunching audio just waiting for a listen over on our podcasts blog.
If you prefer text, Newsweek has 511 words on Ian Ayres as well as 1,040 words excerpted from the book.
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Just a little reminder. . .
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In this podcast, I talk with Ian Ayres, author of Super Crunchers: How Thinking by Numbers Is the New Way to Be Smart.
The book is a great survey of how analytical tools are allowing us to reach a whole new set of understandings about how the world works. Netflix uses regression to figure out what movie you may like, as eHarmony does the same for mates.
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Earlier in August Kevin Kelly blogged a unique book mobile service. Two such services deliver books to the readers in the remote areas of Venezuela (via mule) and Kenya (via camel).
Meet a Venezuelan bibliomula:
And a Camel Book Mobile in Kenya:
These mules and camels are sometimes the only access remote communities have to books.
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