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The whole blogging crew is heading to New York City today. Book Expo America, the annual booksellers convention, is taking place on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. If we see or hear something interesting, we will drop a post here.
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I had the pleasure of talking with Susan RoAne last week. There is a new edition of her classic How To Work a Room that Collins has just put out in paperback. Susan has updated alot of the antecdotes and adding a chapter on working the "virtual" room.
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The author of Motivating The "What's In It For Me? " Workforce, Cam Marston, offered us the essay below for our web site. (It reminds me of this essay by Anna Quindlen and this blog entry by our very own Kate.
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Storytelling is an art. It entertains, teaches and shares. From the time we're told the tale of the boy who cried wolf to the stories in newspapers and magazines, our lives are inundated with stories.
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