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Watch This, Listen This, Click Here >> Advertising Age | A look at the media world's fast-approaching future lives up to the hype.
Good news is, the text more than lives up to the hype.
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Doane's Blog tells us that with Stephen Covey's help Chick-fil-A is educating their youngest diners about being highly effective people. Covey's 7 Habits were split into 7 kids' books to round out Chick-fil-A's kids' menu. Find them at a Chick-fil-A near you.
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The Upside >> BusinessWeek | Don't Worry, Be Ready
"'Unmanaged risk is the greatest source of waste in your business and in our economy as a whole,' he writes. At times, Slywotzky treads familiar ground—many of his subjects, including Apple, Toyota, and IBM, are hardly unknown. Yet The Upside's big poin
(tags: businessbooks management strategy)
Deals on the Green >> BusinessWeek | An 18-Hole Character Test
"Adapted from Deals on the Green: Lessons on Business and Golf from America's Top Executives, by David Rynecki.
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This excerpt is taken from the Preface of Be the Elephant: Build a Bigger, Better Business by Steve Kaplan.
Kalplan combines dynamic advice, real-life experience, and a friendly, no-nonsense writing style to take the mystery and fear out of achieving significant business growth. He gets readers to understand the exact nature of their business by showing how to define objectives, identify risks, and get the operation on solid footing.
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Welcome! This week we're hosting Carnival of the Capitalist.
If this is your first time visiting, here's our shameless self-promotion.
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