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There are three books right now on the Wall Street Journal Business Bestseller list dealing with strengths development. Gallup hold a spot with their new StrengthsFinder 2. 0.
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There is no shortage of books written to explain the success of companies. In Search of Excellence and Good to Great are the best known for using this technique. There are not many books that do the opposite—look at why companies failed.
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Jagdish Sheth says his journey started as he tried to understand why so many companies that were highlighted in books like In Search of Excellence and Good To Great failed to have continued success. Sheth argues that companies acquire habits that lead to their fall. His latest book is called The Self-Destructive Habits of Good Companies.
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Where Have All the Leaders Gone? >> BusinessWeek | A Blast From Iacocca The book often comes off as a rant by someone who remembers an America that was so much better during his salad days. Still, it does contain sound advice on the qualities of good leaders and provides real examples, past and present, of effective leadershi (tags: businessbooks) Competing On Analytics >> Wall Street Journal | The Importance of Crunching the Numbers You need the right data, the people to analyze it properly, a keen understanding of what you are trying to do with the findings and, not least, managers who have the guts to stick to decisions based on the results.
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