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➻ Let's start with a quote, brought to our attention by a Vox Communications post entitled Read this male CEO's feminist explanation of why he's quitting:
Friends and colleagues often ask my wife how she balances her job and motherhood. Somehow, the same people don't ask me.
The above pull-quote is from Max Schireson, CEO of database company MongoDB, extracted from a blog post he published revealing why he was stepping down from his CEO position.
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I speculated back in May when submissions opened for The Financial Times and McKinsey & Company 2014 Business Book of the Year Award that the books they looked at would be more focused on business nuts-and-bolts issues now that a consultancy firm (McKinsey) had taken over for an investment bank (Goldman Sachs) as the Financial Times' partner on the awards. I also thought they would not be announcing a longlist as they had in the past because it was not on their awards schedule. It seems I was wrong on both counts, because The Financial Times and McKinsey announced a longlist this morning, and the books on it are mostly big-picture books, not nut-and-bolts business and management books.
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Here at 8cr, we are so fortunate to work, and form long-lasting relationships with, really great authors who are sharing important ideas with people around the world. We see them out on the road speaking to hundreds of groups a year, trying to make the world of business a better place. Spending time away from their friends and families, they work hard to make sure that the ideas that they’ve captured on paper are helping people become better leaders, communicators, listeners.
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The Most Important Company In the World: Intel, Moore’s Law, and the Heartbeat of Civilization by Michael S. Malone
“We now live differently, learn differently, communicate differently, an ultimately, think differently. … We have internalized Moore’s Law.
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Joy Stauber runs Stauber Design Studio in Chicago, IL, and not only is she a great friend of the company, she is also a terrific designer who has helped us identify, articulate, and express our brand. If you've enjoyed any of our marketing pieces over the years, know that Joy has partnered with us to create the most eye-catching and consistent of messages. Watch the video below, created by Joy's intern, Lizzie Callen, which captures the best of our brand.
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