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Over on KnowledgeBlocks we recently published an exploration on storytelling called Great Leaders Tell Good Stories. The overall message is that good stories aren't the sole property of the marketing or communications department, and anyone can master some basic storytelling techniques that will help leaders earn trust, excite enthusiasm, convey authenticity. While valuable, storytelling can be controversial.
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Customer experience is it. While it's increasingly difficult to set yourself apart from your competitors with regard to innovation or product offerings, there seems yet to be a huge opportunity for companies to excel in providing a superior customer experience. According to this new book from Harley Manning and Kerry Bodine, there is a lot of money at stake in the customer experience game.
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In recent years, a handful of books have been written about entrepreneurship as a disruptive practice. Whether talking about bootstrapping, throwing out the business plan, improvising, or a number of other non-traditional approaches, entrepreneurship itself has almost become a rebellious act.
Jonathan Moules, an enterprise correspondent for the Financial Times, spent years talking with hundreds of companies with a variety of experiences.
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In chapter 1 of his new book, Samuel Arbesman gets this out of the way early:
To be clear: I'm using the word fact in an intuitive way—a bit of knowledge that we know, either as individuals, as a society, or as something about the state of the world. We generally like our facts to be an accurate representation of reality, an objective truth, but that's not always the case.
Having digested the above, it becomes pretty easy to see the potentially global application of Arbesman's book.
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Paul Tough's new book could be an interesting change of pace from your usual reading list. While none of what Tough is saying will be material for instant application in the lives of every manager, entrepreneur, or salesperson (unless they happen also to be parents of young children), his book provides a unique perspective on how successful people are formed. After all, every notable figure in the world of business was once a child.
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