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After so many people lost their jobs in the economic downturn, it seems as if there is another wave of people who've been bitten by the entrepreneurship/passion bug and are looking for a way out of their current job. Nothing against improving one's position, but authors like Cal Newport are critical of the 'grass is greener' perspective. The result, he thinks, is that skills get softened when one jumps from one passion to another, and no skills get developed to the point of expertise - a problem whether one is working for someone else, or themselves.
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Say hello to KnowledgeBlocks' newest Thinker in Residence, Nacie Carson. Nacie's work is especially interesting in our current climate of unpredictability in the employment world. Where traditional means of income appear to be dissolving for many, she suggests an overall evaluation of one's skill set and adapting accordingly, just like Darwin's Galapagos finches.
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Gaining recognition is hard. You probably know this already. Maybe you realized it when you noticed that none of your 20 followers ever re-tweets you.
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Warren Bennis--leader, academic, consultant, sage--is blogging on Bloomberg Businessweek. What a fantastic gift to all of us in business as we can always benefit from some perspective and reflection on our daily work. Bennis, now an octogenarian, brings the whole of his life experience to play here in his blog.
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We've released a new exploration over on KnowledgeBlocks, titled How Big? How Fast?
What is the right size company for you?
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