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Seth Godin is returning to Portfolio! That is the big news.
But the news is delightfully nuanced if you've been following Seth's progression since he left Portfolio in 2010 to start the Domino Project, which was as its name implied a project, and by almost all measures a successful one.
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Every month over on KnowledgeBlocks, we publish three business book explorations that examine a narrow subject within a broader business topic. Each begins with a featured book and then branches out, introducing you to author insights via podcast or interview, other related books, curated links, and brief analyses that will help you build your business knowledge.
In June, members can access these Explorations:
On the Being a Leader channel, you'll find an exploration titled "Beyond Pros and Cons" which features the book Judgment Calls: 12 Stories of Big Decisions and the Teams that got Them Right by Thomas Davenport and Brook Manville as a jumping off point for a deep dive into decision making.
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How to Make Change Stick: Kill the Company How to Make Change Stick: Kill the Company by Lisa Bodell
“Innovation is not just about data analysis, plans and processes, and thinking outside the box. More than anything else, innovation is about change. And the truth is that as much as we’d all like to think otherwise, we are all hardwired to resist it.
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Strategy is a common topic in business. From business schools to books to boardrooms, the 'how' of strategy is often discussed. But Cynthia Montgomery's new book, The Strategist: Be the Leader Your Business Needs takes a different approach: Strategy in terms of who does it.
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The search is now on for the 2012 Financial Times and Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year. From the official announcement:
This annual Award, promoted by the Financial Times Limited and the Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. aims to identify the book that provides the most compelling and enjoyable insight into modern business issues, including management, finance and economics.
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