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Think for a moment about the concept of "crazy business idea. " Likely, it conjures thoughts of some wild product that makes little sense, which is then attempted to be sold to people with a lot of sense. But consider rechargeable batteries, a very sensible product, and a seemingly sound business venture.
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With the sad and startling news that Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, had passed away earlier this week, we were reflecting on the contributions he had made to the business book industry as well as those he gave generously to us at 800-CEO-READ. And in that reflection, we recalled a Q&A he did for us last year to promote his then new book, The 3rd Alternative, which was released in paperback this April. We hadn't yet used the Q&A as we hoped to soon incorporate it into an Exploration within our new KnowledgeBlocks program.
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There's a new Thinker in Residence over at KnowledgeBlocks - Irial OFarrell. Awhile back, Ms. OFarrell sent us a copy of her book Values: Not Just For the Office Wall Plaque and it struck multiple people here.
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Stephen Covey's seminal book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, changed the business book landscape. It was a book that introduced us to the concept of paradigm shifts in our lives, and it shifted the paradigm of the entire industry. It has been translated into almost 40 languages and sold more than 25 million copies worldwide.
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The Secret to Self-Discipline By Rory Vaden
“Today’s work environment has been dubbed everything from the Age of Distraction and the Age of Inattention . . .
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