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If you aren't already aware, 800-CEO-READ powers the business knowledge-building site, KnowledgeBlocks. One of the services KnowledgeBlocks offers is a quarterly book club. For $80, you'll receive 4 quarterly shipments for a total of 9 books per year (see more details and sign up here.
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Sitting at my desk this morning, I was casually watching as attendees arrived for a meeting in our conference room, and noted with some Pavlovian consternation that every person in attendance was male. And I thought it odd, yet. .
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In our final Thinker in Residence installment on Bruce Nussbaum, author of Creative Intelligence, we asked Nussbaum to give us an idea of the question that most drives him to do the work he does, and also what books have influenced his work. Read on and enjoy Nussbaum's unique perspective that applies a sharp intellect and, to my mind, a light touch on such topics as creativity, capitalism, invention, and strategy.
∗ What is the one unanswered question about business you are most interested in answering?
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Creative Intelligence competencies are designed to help you amplify your creativity. Separately and collectively, they increase your creative capacity. The model here is not the light bulb going off in the mind of a genius but the improved ability that comes with training in sports or yoga.
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Today we are introducing a new author-focused blog series called Thinker in Residence. For this series, we'll be asking some of the brightest and boldest business authors writing today to give us insight into their work. Over the course of a week, we’ll give you, our readers, a review of the book, an interview with the author, and the author's perspective on a current business challenge.
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