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In a serendipitous turn of events, a copy of Have a Nice Conflict landed on my desk the same day that I happened to watch a current episode of Sesame Street with my son that features Mother Goose and her struggle to write a new rhyme because she had run out of conflicts to inspire her. As with all Sesame Street skits, there is a lesson to be learned. Conflict happens, and while the drama of a good conflict can be sensational (or rhyme-spirational), it's important to learn how to work through them to maintain good relationships between friends.
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Great by Choice: Uncertainty, Chaos, and Luck—Why Some Thrive Despite Them All by Jim Collins & Morten T. Hansen, published by HarperBusiness Chaos and uncertainty are all around us. The economy is struggling, some have been out of work for years, and entrepreneurs are having a more and more difficult time creating success.
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The power of storytelling in business is not a new subject, but it is an under-utilized skill because oftentimes what makes a person a good leader doesn't make for a good story teller. But a good story isn't the sole property of the marketing department; instead, anyone can master some basic techniques for selling themselves or their point of view or their long-term vision through story. Here are some of the best books to help you work on your story craft.
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Five years ago, we chose The 100 Best Business Books of All Time. Since then, thousands of business books have been published. Today we are presenting a new ebook, 5-4-3, to celebrate the paperback version of The 100 Best, now available digitally and updated with expanded reviews, new informative sidebars, a fresh introduction, and a closing manifesto (read more about the changes here.
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