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Every month over on KnowledgeBlocks, we publish three business book explorations that examine a narrow subject within a broader business topic. Each begins with a featured book and then branches out, introducing you to author insights via podcast or interview, other related books, curated links, and brief analyses that will help you build your business knowledge. In June, members can access these Explorations: On the Being a Leader channel, you'll find an exploration titled "Beyond Pros and Cons" which features the book Judgment Calls: 12 Stories of Big Decisions and the Teams that got Them Right by Thomas Davenport and Brook Manville as a jumping off point for a deep dive into decision making.
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You know this book is about Google the minute you lay your eyes on its cover. The title Search Inside Yourself showcased in the familiar font and primary colors of that online monolith. And yet there is no mention of Google anywhere in the title.
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As I was writing this blog post, the Michael Jackson song, Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' (click on the link to be transported to 1987), popped into my head. Let me explain: Being a business that sells business books can be kinda meta. By meta, I mean that the very product we sell informs how we promote and sell it, and our company.
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Listen to just about any interview with top-flight athletes, and you'll hear them say, regarding the motivation it takes to stay so focused, so intensely committed to their daily training, some version of: "It's not the results; it's the process. " Loving the process gets the figure skater to the cold rink at 5am before she has to get to school by 8am. Loving the process gets the star baseball player through his rehab assignment back down at Triple-A.
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