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GoogleAlerts shared a little surprise with us this morning. An interview Jack and Todd did with Michael Bungay Stanier "back in the day" when The 100 Best Business Books of All Time was just a newborn was put up on Stanier's (great-looking) Great Work Interviews site.
In this interview, Jack, Todd, and Michael talk about:
A big aha!
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The Social Animal is, in part, a book about success--what really drives us toward the superficial accomplishments we tout, where ambition stems from--, but more so it looks at the human experience from numerous perspectives: sociological, neurological, philosophical, anecdotal. He ponders rich questions about how our character is built and evolves, why we remain our own deepest mystery. Brooks succeeds in winding many threads together into a tight braid of story, research, and reflection, with humor and insight.
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This week's inBubbleWrap giveaway is for an eye-opening book called Better By Mistake: The Unexpected Benefits of Being Wrong. Alina Tugend, a New York Times columnist, realizes that we've heard this message before--most often from our parents and early teachers--that we can and should learn from our mistakes and those who are afraid to make them become stagnant with a fear of failure. But Tugend wanted to explore "the inherent tension between what we're told--we must make mistakes in order to learn, how all great leaders and inventors have embraced them--and the reality that we often get punished for making mistakes and therefore try to avoid them--or cover them up.
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There's one more day to sign up to win our latest inBubbleWrap giveaway!
You may not have control over the longevity of your employ, or how much you pay to your health care and pension, or the health of the greater economy, so what can you do? Get smart.
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This week we are giving away 20 copies of The Velocity Manifesto: Harnessing Technology, Vision, and Culture to Future-Proof Your Organization by Scott Klososky.
This new book by Scott Klososky is perfect for leaders who are curious and committed, and are willing to dive into future, not just dip their toes in. And I mean that literally, this book is a deep and wide pool of information and inspiration that ranges from the practical to the prophetic.
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