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Business book expert (and former president of 800-CEO-READ) Todd Sattersten has picked his top 10 business books of the year. We agree heartily with his list--a mix of big idea books and practical methodology--and think that you can't go wrong choosing any of these fine books as a blueprint for your business goals in 2011.
Todd's Top 10:
Drive by Dan Pink
Switch by Chip and Dan Heath
Linchpin by Seth Godin
Rafi Mohammed's The 1% Windfall
William Poundstone's Priceless
Youngme Moon: Different
Lisa Gansky: The Mesh
The Big Short by Michael Lewis
Steven Johnson: Where Good Ideas Come From
Gamestorming: by Dave Gray, Sunni Brown, and James Macanufo
Click over to Todd's blog to read more about each of his picks.
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Inc. com offers a wealth of information for business people, particularly small business owners. While many media outlets make end of year lists, Inc's list is particularly geared toward this group of readers.
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We released our 12th volume of The Keen Thinker. In addition to a list of some of the very best business books, we also compiled a treasure trove of great business book information, including:
Chris Guillebeau and Sally Hogshead headline 800-CEO-READ's Author Pow Wow! Making Connections | THE 8CR POW WOW est.
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Back in March, Jack received a note from a Major Steve Sheridan out of Fort Sam Houston, Texas. He wrote:
Reading your 100 B3OAT [Best Business Books of All Time] and loving it – thanks for writing it! I’ve only read 7 on the list of 100, so I’ve got a new reading plan for a few years.
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John Kotter's work is really the cream of the crop. 800-CEO-READ's business book guru, Jack Covert, chose Kotter's 1996 book, Leading Change, as one of the most essential leadership books for The 100 Best Business Books of All Time. In Jack's review of the book, he wrote: "[C]hange is easy to start, difficult to grow, and really hard to sustain over the long haul.
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