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The vast majority of articles about startups and innovation focus on Silicon Valley. Today we look at two innovators far removed from the typical incubators.
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Here at 8cr, we are so fortunate to work, and form long-lasting relationships with, really great authors who are sharing important ideas with people around the world. We see them out on the road speaking to hundreds of groups a year, trying to make the world of business a better place. Spending time away from their friends and families, they work hard to make sure that the ideas that they’ve captured on paper are helping people become better leaders, communicators, listeners.
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Joy Stauber runs Stauber Design Studio in Chicago, IL, and not only is she a great friend of the company, she is also a terrific designer who has helped us identify, articulate, and express our brand. If you've enjoyed any of our marketing pieces over the years, know that Joy has partnered with us to create the most eye-catching and consistent of messages. Watch the video below, created by Joy's intern, Lizzie Callen, which captures the best of our brand.
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